Class 11th Political Science Chapter 6 Judiciary Solution
Class 11th Political Science Chapter 6 Judiciary Solution
In Chapter 6 of Class 11th Political Science, we delve into the institution of the judiciary and its crucial role in upholding justice, interpreting laws, and safeguarding the rights and liberties of citizens. The judiciary is an independent branch of the government responsible for administering justice and ensuring the rule of law.
We begin by understanding the significance of an independent judiciary in a democratic system. We explore the principles of judicial independence, impartiality, and the separation of powers, which ensure that the judiciary can function autonomously and provide fair and unbiased judgments.
Next, we examine the structure and organization of the judiciary. We study the hierarchy of courts, ranging from lower courts to higher appellate courts, and understand their respective jurisdictions. We also discuss the appointment and tenure of judges, the qualifications required for judicial positions, and the significance of judicial accountability.