Chapter 4: Telephone Conversation Solution

Chapter 4: Telephone Conversation Solution

“Telephone Conversation” is a thought-provoking chapter that explores the themes of racial prejudice, discrimination, and the complexities of communication. This chapter delves into the power dynamics and societal challenges faced by individuals in interracial interactions.

The chapter begins by introducing the poem “Telephone Conversation,” written by Wole Soyinka. It sets the scene for a telephone conversation between a speaker, who is an African man, and a landlady or potential landlord who is of a different race. The chapter highlights the initial optimism and hope for a fair and equal exchange during the conversation.

As the chapter unfolds, it delves into the central conflict of the poem—the landlady’s racial prejudices. It examines the speaker’s attempts to navigate the conversation, grappling with the landlady’s biased questions and derogatory remarks. The chapter explores the frustration, anger, and powerlessness experienced by the speaker as he confronts the reality of discrimination.

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