Class 11th Political Science Chapter 5 Legislature Solution

Class 11th Political Science Chapter 5 Legislature Solution

In Chapter 5 of Class 11th Political Science, we explore the institution of the legislature and its vital role in the democratic governance of a country. The legislature, also known as the parliament or the legislative assembly, is a representative body that enacts laws, debates public policies, and exercises oversight over the executive branch.

We begin by understanding the significance of the legislature in a democratic system. We examine its functions, including lawmaking, representation, and deliberation. We also explore the principles of parliamentary democracy, such as majority rule, minority rights, and the importance of robust and inclusive debate.

Next, we delve into the structure and composition of the legislature. We study the different houses or chambers that make up the legislature, such as the lower house and the upper house. We explore their roles, powers, and the processes of elections or appointments that determine the composition of these houses.

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