Chapter 1-A Letter to God Solution

Chapter 1-A Letter to God Solution

The story “A Letter to God” is written by G.L. Fuentes. The story revolves around a poor farmer named Lencho who lived in a village with his family. Lencho was a devout man and had great faith in God. One year, there was a severe drought in the village, and the crops were destroyed. Lencho and his family had no means to survive the coming year without the crops. Lencho decided to write a letter to God, requesting him to send him 100 pesos so that he could sow his fields again.

Lencho was a simple man who didn’t know how to read and write, so he asked his friend to write the letter for him. His friend was amused by the idea but decided to help him nonetheless. Lencho’s letter was brief and to the point. He wrote, “Dear God, I need 100 pesos to sow my fields again. Please send the money soon. Your friend, Lencho.”

Chapter 1-A Letter to God

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