Class 11 Geography Chapter 6 Landforms and their Evolution Solution
Class 11 Geography Chapter 6 Landforms and their Evolution Solution
In Chapter 6 of Class 11 Geography, we explore the fascinating topic of landforms and their evolution. This chapter delves into the different types of landforms found on Earth’s surface and the processes that have shaped them over time.
We begin by understanding the concept of landforms, which are the natural features of the Earth’s surface. We learn about various types of landforms such as mountains, plateaus, plains, hills, valleys, and basins. Each landform has unique characteristics and is formed through specific geological processes.
Next, we delve into the process of landform evolution, which refers to the changes that landforms undergo over long periods of time. We examine the different factors that contribute to landform evolution, including tectonic activity, weathering, erosion, deposition, and human activities.